Friday, June 09, 2006

For When Your PC Crashes (and it will)

Having to reinstall my software several times is what prompts these gems: ;)

  • Write any key, registration, serial numbers or passwords directly on the inside cover of the software's CD.
  • If you download a program off the internet, burn the downloaded file to CD and write the code(s) on the CD.
  • Make a .pdf copy of any confirmation e-mail containing your codes and passwords and save it to a file on your hard drive named the application, i.e., Adobe. Program files are stored separately - so no worries - make the folder directly in your My Documents folder or wherever you regularly store your business/client documents.

If you can't afford Adobe (and who can lol) - download PrimoPDF ( Once you install you can hit Ctrl+P from the e-mail screen and when the PrimoPDF box pops up, hit the button with the three dots "..." to browse to the folder on your computer you wish to save the pdf. Name it, hit ok and you're done. ;)

  • If you really want to cover all the bases, print out the actual pdfs and put them in the old fireproof safe.
  • Store all your CDs in the same place and don't think a fireproof safe will save them (it still gets hot inside so they melt!)

It is never a convenient time to have to reinstall and rebuild your PC - but having the proper installation codes, CDs and passwords in one place, makes it as efficient for you as possible.

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